How long do you want it to last? osb isnt suitable for a shed as you wont be able to completely waterproof it, it will get damp and turn to mush within a couple of years.. Made a shed roof in the summer from 3/4 osb , covered with epdm sheeting , so its all covered from rain but theres a 2" overhang around the edge where the underside is exposed to the air , wont. 7/16 osb really isn't adequate for your roof, even if you're running rafters on 16" centers. you might get by with 7/16 plywood, but even that would be iffy. i put 5/8 osb on the roof of the 8x12 shed i built this summer (16" centered rafters)..
Installation instructions. installing osb structural roof sheathing panels to a sloped shed style overhead deck canopy osb which is oriented strand board is a structural panel unlike conventional. Buy great products from our osb category online at we supply trade quality diy and home improvement products at great low prices. This instructional video teaches how to hang sheathing on the roof using dodge hangers. dodge hangers are a new innovative hardware which are assisting in making the construction industry safer.