Friday, November 1, 2019

Seed To Table Curriculum

Curriculum includes (but is not limited to): soil building, ecology, nutrition, annual and perennial planting techniques, nature�s seasons, cultural foods and uses, food plant origins, native edible plants, medicinal herbs, harvesting techniques, seed saving, and the study of fruit to flower cycles.. Seed to table is a 1.5 acre non profit farm educating 1,300 students a year and feeding 200 families a week nutritious and locally grown produce. seed to table believes fresh and locally grown produce should be available to everyone.. Welcome to the curriculum resources section of the seed website, the foundation of the seed project and your sustainability education. the following table puts fun back into learning about sustainability..

At the mother�s day brunch the talk at my table of ten turned to gardening, or perhaps more accurately, home farming. the mother of a young family of four was growing an edible garden to supplement the fresh, and very local, food available to her family.. How the universe works - universe explore - space discovery documentary how the universe works 350 watching live now. Seed-to-table school garden program slow food denver�s seed-to-table school garden program creates meaningful relationships between young people and food in order to transform the school food system..

seed to table curriculum