Sunday, October 27, 2019

Indoor Ivy Plant Losing Leaves

Recently i had a variegated english ivy that was losing leaves. on closer inspection i found leaves infested with spider mites. washing plants well with mildly soapy water is a good start, and often all that is needed, for pest control. some leaf drop on houseplants is normal.. The mottled appearance on any indoor plant leaves is a sure sign of a spider mite infestation, even in the absence of webs. hedera ivies are usually small enough to treat the mites effectively in your kitchen sink.. I noticed the ivy in my dining room started dropping a lot of leaves. a lot. i climb on a chair and find it is really hot up there (stupid me didn't realize the heater blows right at the plant and hot air collects there) and is most likely the cause of the plant taking a leaf dump..

My indoor ivy is losing leaves? i received this beautiful plant from my parents as a house warming gift.. from the time i got it its grown rapidly. as of today its vines stretch from one corner of my living room to the far side of my kitchen.. Ivy plant leaves turning yellow are rarely serious, though you should make some changes to improve your plant�s health. yellow leaves on ivy plant there are many causes of ivy turning yellow, including pests, disease and environmental stressors.. Dropping and/or changing color of leaves is one of the biggest signs that your plant is in stress. when you notice a change of this kind, however, don't freak out and overcompensate. take a moment to analyze the scenario and react accordingly..

indoor ivy plant losing leaves