Saturday, January 26, 2019

House Plant Losing Leaves

If you suddenly lose a lot of leaves at once, or if you start losing healthy green leaves, then you might have one of the following problems. shock this is the most common cause of leaf drop, but it can be the hardest to correct.. Temperature: often, excessive heat or cold drafts are to blame for a houseplant dropping leaves.keep plants away from drafty doors and windows. be careful of placing plants on windowsills, which may be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.. If the plant is used to one temperature an there is a sudden shift in temperature, it will lose its leaves. is the plant in the path of an air vent? if so, move it where it will stay warm but not exposed to hot or cold air. insufficient light. if the plant isn�t getting enough light the leaves will turn yellow and drop off..

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So you have discovered that your houseplant has some yellow leaves or may be losing leaves, and you want to know why. the shortest and most common answer is under-watering. think of your plant as being a company, its leaves as workers, and water as wages.. If your rubber tree plant seems to be losing lots of leaves for no apparent reason, you need to investigate and address potential issues with light, temperature, moisture, pests and fertilizer. with some general rubber tree plant know-how and a few common garden materials, you can help prevent further leaf loss and reclaim the health of your plant.. Water problems. during hot summer or dry winter weather, plants lose a lot of moisture. if the red-striped dracaena loses moisture through its leaves faster than it can recoup it through its roots.

house plant losing leaves